Happy Valentine’s day dear single person. Find out even more reasons why you should be extra thankful on a day like this.
4. Freedom for your one true love
Of course you can still serve God in your marriage or relationship, but there is a freedom that singleness brings. Even the Apostle Paul acknowledged it in 1 Cor 7. You can go on that mission trip now, be more committed in your local church, volunteer with an orphanage, spend more time on prayer and the study of God’s word, now that you are single.
5. The beauty of friendships
Friendship is a beautiful thing. This is the time to embrace it. Embrace relationships with family members as well. You’re more likely to succeed in a romantic relationship if you succeed in non-romantic ones. Relationships are simply great friendships with a touch of romance.
6. Discovering you
You should get to know yourself. What are your weaknesses, strengths, dreams and desires? How can you improve on yourself and fulfil your dreams? That’s a great way to spend your time instead of pining away wondering who loves you or who loves you not. Be content and appreciate God’s handiwork in your life. Love yourself, not to the point of self absorption where you can’t notice everyone around you, but it a way that shows your confidence in Christ’s love for you.
If you desire to be in a relationship, you’re in my prayers and I can assure you that it is a noble desire. I can tell you first hand that romantic love can bring a lot of colour to your life, but it doesn’t and should define your life.
Love and Prayers,
Laju Iren