I know it’s #Dauntless #SelfiesWithBibleGirls season. But I’m still a #relationshipblogger so I feel the need to make clearer what should be done as regards this ongoing debate. Interestingly,…
Posts Taggedsex
Why Should We Wait Till Marriage to Have Sex? What if my husband can't satisfy me in bed?
Hello Laju, Please what is your view on sex before marriage. Does it mean those who have sex before marriage don’t have a good relationship after marriage? I have heard…
Until the wedding night…
Nine steps to handling sexual temptation in courtship Let’s be real. If you’re dating someone, you’re probably attracted to them. If you’re not, I don’t know whether to congratulate…
Dear Laju, I lost my virginity.
Dear Laju, before I became a Christian, I lost my virginity. Don’t worry about the past. What matters to God is your present and your future from the point of…
31 Lessons From my 3 Months of Being a Wife
The first day of February made it three months I have been married to my favourite person in the world, Pst Emmanuel Iren. I’d like to share 31 lessons from…
Eight types of couples likely to do it before the wedding night
By Laju Iren I feel like I should start this post with a disclaimer. The aim is not to be judgmental. It is not also intended to be a one…