Praise for Selfies With Bible Girls

Selfies With Bible Girls is the proper definition of love at first sight. It red hard cover back and impeccable design are the first thing you notice.
You might also find your name or the name of a friend if you look closely at the text, signalling to you that you will find yourself on the pages of the book.
It’s cream burnt print, features an easy to read font that makes reading a delight. But that is just the beginning.
Selfies With Bible Girls retells the stories of over 22 Bible women in a captivating manner, highlighting the lessons we can learn from them in over 50,000 words and 319 pages.
Each chapter begins with a colourful pictorial representation of the women in question, their profiles and hashtags highlighting the issues discussed. The ‘let’s take  a selfie portion’ discusses contemporary lessons we can learn from these women. Swbg is also a journal. You can yourself Selfie Questions at the end of each chapter and write down your responses and action points.
It’s so relatable, you can see yourself in the characters.
Whether you’re single, married, divorced or widowed.
Whether you have a sordid past or present, whether you’re a workaholic, super girl or housewife, there is a woman in this book that looks just like you.
Here’s what some notable people have to say about the book:
I dare say that this one of the greatest books you will ever read in your lifetime. This is one book you will read more than once but more importantly, this is a book that will make you go back and really read your bible… and your life.
Said Pst. Mildred Kingsley-Okonkwo, Co-Pastor, David’s Christian Centre, DCC.
This book gives lucid meaning to the reader by translating bible stories into contemporary real life situations and provides leadership lessons for all believers: It takes only the Holy Spirit to get such inspirations. The book is ‘Fire’ in the bones and it is recommended to all serious minded children of God who want to live victorious Christian lives.
Said Pst Anthony Arenyeka
MD/CEO, Truckmasters Nigeria Limited and former MD, General Motors (GM) Nigeria Ltd.
‘Laju’s Selfies with Bible Girls reads like a letter from your ultimate self
Every time you flip the pages, you get a chance to see who you are capable of becoming
An impeccable depiction of bible characters
A must read for women everywhere and men who don’t mind learning from them”
Said Adesewa Josh, Correspondent & News Anchor, Channels Television
Selfies With Bible Girls is
A riveting page-turner brimming with hope!
Girls, ladies and women of all ages and through all ages.
We all struggle with the same issues and want practically just the same things out of life.
Through this book we see ourselves in an uncanny way. But much more importantly we see that God can intervene and use us if we let Him; and that in spite of where and what we have been.
Pastor (Mrs). Dele Bamgboye, Pastor, Highflyers Christian Centre, Port Harcourt
In ‘Selfies with Bible Girls’, Laju Iren has produced a formidable tool for examining our thoughts, desires and actions. Using a mirror of people from the bible, we see many of our own challenges laid-bare before us. By seeing how they tackled their problems, we have a reflective surface upon which to examine our own responses to life’s daily battles
Some thousands of years may have elapsed, but the problems largely remain the same: breaking out from the status quo, infertility, moving on from a shameful past,  shattering the glass ceiling, women’s rights and even that seemingly dreaded F word: Feminism.
Using modern day terminology influenced by technology, ‘Selfies’ is an accessible guide for today’s generation of tech-savvy Christians.
Oreoluwa Lesi, Founder     & Executive Director, Women in Technology Empowerment Centre, WTEC
You will fall in love with Selfies with Bible Girls. And you don’t have to be a girl, to do so. Written in the language, nuances and sensitivities of this per second technological age, it marries a sweet to read writing style, with fresh insights of the Bible.
It is a novel. It is a sermon. But more than these, you will see yourself cast in the roles of the harlot, the widow, the judge, a single woman, a wife, a widow, a divorcee, a barren mother of nations and so on. You are invited to be the actress, the audience and the critic: the firmly rooted believer, a faithful daughter of Zion. Enmesh yourself. A new you will emerge.
Mideno Bayagbon, Founder/CEO,, former Editor, Vanguard Newspapers.
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  1. Florence Enueme September 15, 2017 at 8:26 pm

    Hi Laju,
    I recently learned about you book Selfies with Bible Girls and I am interested in purchasing it. However, when I searched for it on amazon I found that I could purchase it off of there. I am currently in the Florida and I wondered if there is a way to purchase it from the US?
    Florence Enueme

    1. Laju Iren September 20, 2017 at 11:17 pm

      Sorry about the late reply dear. I just sent you a mail


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