Jesus loves the unloved

Jesus loves the unloved.
After five nuptials and a fling
The woman at the well
Met perfect grace in the seventh
Once silent in shame
Now yelling his name
‘He told me all I ever did’
Jesus loves the unloved.
His roots, Judah’s tree.
A sign before he was made flesh
He wiped the tears from Leah’s lash
More smitten than Jacob with Rachel
Her seed would save the world from hell
Rejected by man, blessed by God.
Jesus loves the unloved.
The only one worthy to cast the first stone
He scandalously let the adulterous woman go
The righteous judge withheld judgment
‘Go and sin no more’
His love, her defences tore.
His finger wears Hosea’s ring, awaiting Gomer’s return.
Jesus loves the unloved.
They saw a woman with the issue of blood,
He felt a daughter’s touch.
He brought friendship and a healing for the leper
He raised Nain’s widow’s only son
And delivered the man at Gerasene
He brought joy and healing to the broken
And food and hope for the poor
Jesus loves the unloved.
So much he’ll spend eternity with them
If they could just love him too.

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