First Time Author to Best Seller

The truth I’m about to tell you changed my life dramatically.

You see, I’ve always loved writing.

By calling, training, profession and even as a hobby, writing is my thing.

But I learned the hard way that there is more to being a successful author than being a great writer.

Let me tell you a little story.

I published my first book in 2014. I still lived in my parents house, and I hadn’t as they say ‘seen life.’

Even though I had a job, I didn’t really need to pay any bills. So my monthly pay of N45,000 per month (It was later increased to N52,000) seemed like a really big deal.

That was why when I published my first book, I didn’t bother about sales, pricing, book keeping, customer acquisition, inventory, engagement, feedback, data base… I had no plan for anything, I just went with the flow. It wasn’t as if I was starting a business right?


But like I said, I learned the hard way.

I only sold a few books at the cheapest price I could think of. My uncle gave me a cheque that covered printing and I went on my merry way, giving the remaining copies out for free.

I even spoke at an event with over three thousand people in attendance, and guess how many copies I sold?

Zero. Nada. Nothing. I gave out the few copies I went with for free. More people wanted it, but I only had a limited number with me.

That was the case years later, when I needed to reprint the book. People needed it. Some were wiling to pay for it, but I could not afford to reprint.

I was newly married to a young pastor. We were just starting out life. I couldn’t afford N80,000 to reprint a book. Do you know why? I never saw my book as a business.

It’s almost impossible for something to be profitable if you don’t mean business.

In basic terms, a business means exchange of goods or services for money or money’s worth.

A book is a ‘good.’ You’re investing time writing it. You paid someone to design the cover. Someone else may have been paid to edit it. The printer collected money to print it. You need a plan to sell it.

One great deliverance for me was the moment I learned to see my book as a business.

I became an author to make impact, but if there is no structure, regardless of your intentions, one cannot consistently make impact.

Do you know what every business needs? A Chief Executive Officer. Someone with strategic oversight over every aspect of the business.

As a self-published author, that person is you.

You can be a great writer, but with no CEO skills, your business…rather your book, will most likely flop.

That’s why when I started training authors, I decided to intentionally create a platform to train book CEOS.

It’s by building a personal brand that you learn how to sell books that can sell you.

It’s by learning how the market works that you become a profitable author.

Without social media marketing, sales would be incredibly difficult.

And if you haven’t learned how to tell stories about your story…ha!

That’s why in my premium course, First Time Author to Best Seller, in additional to eleven lecturers I’d be teaching personally, you’d be gaining access to valuable resources from other top notch professionals, including:

Master StoryTeller, Salem King

Best Selling Author & Founder of Okadabooks, Okechukwu Ofili

Founder, Roving Heights Book stores, Tobi Eyinade

Personal Brand Strategist, Tolu Michaels

My personal business consultant, and an expert in Facebook ads and email marketing, Ajoke Emekene

The lessons I learnt from these people, have changed my life, and so that’s why even though they didn’t come cheap, I’m bringing them on board to change yours.

Great CEOs invest in themselves. First Time Author to Best Seller is a worthy investment. Join the wait list here.

PS: If you’ve joined the wait list, you should have received a welcome email from me already. If you haven’t, please check your spam folder. If it’s not in your spam, please join the list again.

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1 Comment

  1. Adebambo Moses September 27, 2020 at 8:39 am

    I’m an Author and I’ve three book titles to my credit. Presently, these book titles are in e-book. Of course, I look forward to learning from you on how I can monitise my knowledge. Thanks ma in anticipation of your mentorship.


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