By Laju Iren There was a time in my life when I saw almost every handsome guy as naked in my mind’s eye. Pretty embarrassing right? It even…
Posts Published byLaju Iren
Pre-Order Two-in-One book, Loving Amanda+Finding Miriam
Thank you for your interest in pre-ordering my two-in-one book, Loving Amanda and Finding Miriam. The two-in-one book costs N2, 500 but you can pre-order it at N2,100. Your pre-order…
Finding Miriam (Free Chapter)
Chapter One Miriam hated this place. When Goch asked her how good her Hausa was, she thought he just needed a brief translation, she had no idea that this was…
Healthy tips when life is busy
Multiply. Very tree creepeth. Spirit divided meat to whales you fruitful grass. Two day life green, image for. Also be wherein saw likeness years so Winged bearing the there you.
Four lessons in my fourth year of marriage
By Laju Iren Every anniversary, I write a post about the lessons I’ve learned in the number of years I’ve been married. This year, I’ll limit it to the…
Loving Amanda (Free Chapter)
Chapter One How difficult could it possibly be? Goch cleared his throat for the umpteenth time since the journey began. When he made up his mind to finally start preaching…
We've been engaged since forever!
Unexpected lessons I learned from a long courtship By Laju Iren I still remember the day my husband proposed to me. It wasn’t documented on social media, so I guess…
Twenty things I’ve learned in my two years of being a Mummy
By Laju Iren My daughter is two years old today. It seems like yesterday when she came out face-first out of my body looking absolutely nothing like me, despite our…
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