Inspiring stories,
Creatively told

I am a best-selling author, book-writing coach, and film maker.

"Stories change our minds by targeting our hearts"

-Laju Iren

Best Selling Author


Laju Iren, Bestselling Author and the Lord's storyteller

Best Selling Author

Laju marries incredible story-telling with common sense laced, spirit inspired wisdom to create content that entertains, educates and brings glory to God.

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Book Writing Coach


CL, or Coach Laju as she is fondly called is one of the Industry's top Book Writing and Publishing Coaches.

Meet Coach Laju

Coaching programmes for aspiring authors who want to write and publish their books

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Film Maker


If a picture is worth a thousand words, then videos are worth billions.

Meet Director Laju

DL, Director Laju is the founder of Laju Iren Films, which creatively tells clean, inspiring stories through film.

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1 +
Books Sold
Best selling titles
1 +
writers trained
1 +
new authors yearly

Meet Coach Laju

No. 1 Book writing coach

Hello, I am Coach Laju, fondly called CL also known as the book whisperer. In the year 2020 alone, I have helped 15 of my clients become self-published authors and quite a number of them have gone on to become bestsellers. My company, Laju Iren Publishing empowers writers with the skills and resources they need to write, self-publish, and sell their own books through online courses as well as professional private coaching. Laju Iren Publishing also offers ghost-writing, editing, and boutique publishing services to select clients.

Years of

Results I have helped create

See what clients have to say.
Tolu Michaels
Coach Laju knows all about books

As a digital entrepreneur, when it came to writing my first book, I wasn't sure I could write a good book - like the ones I enjoyed reading. After my session with Laju, I knew that I was ready to write the book I really wanted to write. I was excited. CL is not just a writer, she knows all about books, that's why she's the #1 book writing coach.

Tolu Michaels
Personal Brand Strategist
Two books in three months

I enrolled in Laju Iren’s manuscript buddy program and started working with her on July the 13th. By August 13th , my first book was ready for editing. By the middle of October, my second book was done. The last book I wrote was 6 years ago and I did not have half as much fun as I had in this process. Laju is professional, she is good at what she does. She makes it fun, makes it enjoyable and she helps you deliver on time. I highly recommend.

Mayowa Ijisesan
Pastor, Kingsword International
IMG_1755-Edit (1)
From three years to two weeks!

Laju Iren is an amazing coach, believe me. The content of any of her courses cannot be gotten elsewhere. Before deciding to enroll, my biggest challenge was my inability to follow through and commit to completing my manuscript. But within the first two weeks of the programme, I finished a book I had been struggling to write for three years.

Abisola Badejo
Author, Life Row
Seye Falujo
Coach Laju will bring out the best-selling author in you!

For years, I had attempted writing several manuscripts unsuccessfully. When I met Coach Laju, she knew exactly what I needed to know to bring out the book in me. With everything I learnt, I have been able to finish my first book and start working on another. I thought writing was a gift only few people had. I didn't feel I was one of them. Now, I know better.
Dear CL, Thank you for bringing it all out.

Seye Afalujo
Author, Single, Called & Fulfilled
Theresa Odey
CL, the book whisperer

Laju Iren taught me to pay attention to the seemingly minute details that could make all the difference when I write. I can hear her voice in my head saying: "people read your content because of how it is presented and not just because of the content." I would definitely encourage others to take her courses.

Theresa Odey
Author, The Unlimited Book

Become an Author in 30 Days
with this free

Book Writing Course

Laju Iren, Bestselling Author and the Lord's storyteller

Meet Director Laju

The Film Maker

If a picture is worth a thousand words, then videos are worth billions. DL, Director Laju is the founder of Laju Iren Films, which creatively tells clean, inspiring stories through film.

Laju Iren

Watch My Films

Meet Pastor Laju

Fondly called PL, Laju Iren serves as an assistant Pastor at Celebration Church International, under the leadership of her husband, Pst. Emmanuel Iren. You can listen to messages and learn more about Celebration Church here.

Laju Iren


Inspiring Stories on Love, Life and Faith

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